by Irene Westendorp from the CEML Palliative Care Team
The name of the lady in the photograph above is Sao. She is 48 years old and has been suffering from breast cancer since 2021. She went from hospital to hospital to get help, but she did not receive any treatment. The cancer was already too far progressed to be able to offer her treatment at CEML (such as a surgery). After we were contacted by her neighbour, one of our SIM team members, Dr. Sam Fabiano referred her to our team. In October 2023 we started visits to her house.
I myself hardly recognized her in this recent photo, since our first visit she has been recuperating a little bit. Her nutritional state is better and as a result a wound on her breast could actually heal.
Sao feels so encouraged spiritually by our visits, besides the great help she receives from her family members. Now in a phase of a certain physical, emotional and spiritual stability, she has become a person who practically transmits positive energy to her neighbors as well as sharing the word of God!
Learn more about the CEML Palliative Care Team here.
Closely linked to palliative care is the treatment of patients with chronic conditions; if you feel called to serve God by helping those with chronic conditions, please contact us.
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